Slovenian teacher – Learn Slovene online
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Are you looking to learn Slovene online? I offer creative lessons that are prepared with good visual support for learning the Slovenian language. My online lessons are shortcuts on your learning process. Learn in a group or take individual lessons. The first lesson is free! My passion is learning new languages, I pass on my enthusiasm to my students. Because I am very creative, in my free time I develop and design new didactic materials and explore new approaches on how to learn to communicate and think in a foreign language in the shortest possible time. As well as being able to learn Slovene, we also offer online lessons in many other languages. I am the director and a teacher of foreign languages, and the head of language programs at Jezikovno Mesto. Moja strast je učenje novih jezikov, svoje navdušenje prenašam na svoje tečajnike in tečajnice. Ker sem zelo ustvarjalna, v svojem prostem času razvijam in oblikujem nova didaktična gradiva in raziskujem nove pristope, kako v čim krajšem času na čim bolj enostaven način naučiti komunicirati in razmišljati v tujem jeziku. Direktorica in učiteljica tujih jezikov, vodja jezikovnih programovSlovenian teacher – Learn Slovene online